Collaborative Stylist Position
Collaborative & Associate Stylist Education Calendar
Welcome to Salon 1827’s education program. We have designed this program to ensure you have all the tools and knowledge to feel comfortable and confident about performing our services. Models for the following services are to be provided by both the educator and the stylist.
Week 1: Only cutting model needed
Cutting and Styling
Long layered haircut and blow drying techniques
Color Theory
Color theory and mixing (done in-house and through virtual platforms or classes)
name that color
Touch up
Virgin color/Roots to ends
Bottle application
Bleach Touch up
Basic foil folding
Foil direction
Weave variations
Tell me about your hair color
What do/don’t you like about your hair color
What would you like to see different
When was the last time you colored your hair
Was it done by a professional
How often do you want to get your color touched up
Do you like warm or cool tones
Week 2: Models needed for cuts and color
Cutting and Styling
One short hair and pixie model
Target levels 1-4 permanent or deposit-only color
Touch up and virgin color only (grey coverage, tone on tone, going darker)
warm, cool, neutral, intense
30-minute application
Week 3 & 4: Cutting and Styling
One graduated bob and clipper haircut.
Chemical Services
Keratin (express and full)
Target level 5-7 (permanent or deposit-only color)
Touch up, virgin color, single foils (5 max)
warm, cool, neutral, intense
40-minute application
Week 5: Curly Cutting and Styling
Curly hair models needed (2-3)
Target level 8-10 (permanent or deposit-only color)
Touch up, virgin color, single foils (10 max)
warm, cool, neutral, intense
45-minute application
Week 6 & 7 Foil Work Only
The model should have medium to long hair
Partial highlight (25 max)
Warm, cool, neutral
45-minute application
Week 8 & 9: Lightening
Models should have short to long hair
Double process (bleach and tone)
Full highlight (50 max)
Warm, cool, neutral
45-minute application
Week 10-12:
Models should have short to long hair
Double process (bleach and tone)
Full highlight (50 max)
Color and highlight (25 max)
Hair painting
One hour application
Week 12 & 13: Hair Extensions
No model needed
(Will also require a certification from our vendor, paid by Salon 1827, after 90 days)
Who is the hair extension client
Color Matching
How to Prep Hair
Home care
Fusion/ KTip Application & removal
ITip/Beaded application, removal & maintenance
Blending extensions
Week 14 & 15:
Tape-in application, removal & maintenance
Weft application, removal & maintenance
Blending extensions
Corrective options for hair extensions
Week 16 &17:
Hair Toppers application, removal & maintenance
Clip-in Extensions
Custom coloring extensions
Hair Extension Consultation
Once the collaborative or associate stylist has reached a satisfactory skill level in each segment, they may start taking clients (after the first 90 days are complete) on their completed techniques. The educator will also coach them on how to convey the price to the client before starting service.
The above in-salon classes will be scheduled on Mondays and are mandatory to attend. Failure to attend without a satisfactory excuse will result in termination. Must give educator 24 hours’ notice of excused absences in writing, email, or text.
Program Commitments
Your educator’s commitment to you:
Support & encouragement
Constructive feedback
Class content will be available prior to class start.
Your commitment to us:
Support with client experience
Models are mandatory (unless otherwise noted).
Sense of urgency
Punctual attendance
After the stylist has completed the above requirements and effectively tested out of each segment. They can choose to remain at Salon 1827 or request a reference to move on to another salon. Should they decide to stay, they will be graduated to a Level 1 Stylist Position at Salon 1827.
After their first year as Level 1 Stylists, they can choose their specialty and area of focus. Once chosen, Salon 1827 will provide advanced education in that specialty. We want a salon full of specialists. We want you to stand out in the crowd with us in an industry full of generalists.
We want our stylists to live their best lives by providing the services that light them up and give them the purpose they want. We work as a team and commit to quality and exceptional service standards. We are highly trained service providers and take our education seriously.
If interested in this position, please fill out the application here.