Are you doing this to your curls?

You should never brush curly hair.

Curly hair is something that a lot of people struggle with it. It just plays by its own rules and defies gravity most of the time. It needs three times more moisture than any other hair type. There is no such thing as over conditioning and co-washing (using a cleansing conditioner instead of shampoo and conditioner) is your best friend.

Salon 1827 has some of the best products for anyone with wavy to curly hair. Ask a curly girl about her hair, and she'll tell you about her life. My hair used to take hours to dry, and if I put it up, it had to stay that way because it would disrupt my curl pattern. Curly hair is bold, beautiful, and our mission is to celebrate your unique curls. If it weren't for the fabulous stylists when I was young, I wouldn't have grown to love it and embrace my hair. To this day, I wholeheartedly believe curly hair is why I became a hairstylist.


It is the only hair type you do the same routine every day and gets completely different results every time (like seriously, you never know what you will get). Most have a hard time until someone shows them the ropes. Under any circumstances, you cannot brush it when it's dry or wet (plenty of times my mom tried). After shampooing or co-washing, you have to either use your fingers with a leave-in conditioner to detangle or a wide-tooth comb. The only exception is what's called a WET Brush (can be purchased at Salon1827). The bristles on it are not stiff like regular brushes, so they don't damage the hair or pull it out. When combing through hair, you always want to start at the ends and work your way up. This method ensures that you are not adding any excess stress to the strand or creating more tangles along the way.

With most of our client base being curly and with me being a Curl Specialist (mostly because I've had to learn over the years and in the education, I have taken), we have put together a guide to help you get started with your new curl routine. You can find it here. We will even break down a method that has worked wonders for many over the years. Everything down to which products to use and why to better embrace what you were born with.

Want to know how to determine your curl pattern? You can click here for a guide published to, which is an invaluable resource.

Did you find value in this post? Comment below to let us know how we are doing. You can also email us at for a copy of our Curl Guide, which includes a recommend weekly routine.


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