Having trouble with you color fading? I’ve got some tips on making your hair color last. 


Having trouble with your color fading? I’ve got some tips on making your hair color last. 

Your hair color is an investment, so its important to take care of your hair with quality maintenance products. Below you will find what I’ve found in my experience to improve the longevity of your salon hair color.

Color Tips:

-Shampoo less frequently or use a cleansing conditioner. Dry Shampoo is your friend. 

-When you do shampoo, make sure to always use a color-protecting or a sulfate-free shampoo.

-Avoid heat styling but if you have to use a heat protectant. Heat protectants are very important. They help protect your hair against the damaging effects of your hot tools. Use a cream before blow-drying and a spray protectant before curling or flat ironing. 

-Try to avoid products with high amounts of alcohol.

-Turn Down the temperature of your water. Cold water helps to seal the outside of the hair strand preventing color from slipping out. 

-Custom made color toning mask made by your truly! When used once a week or every two weeks it can improve the longevity of your color. Especially useful for those with vivid or fantasy hair. 

Ask me about the list of products perfect for your hair! 

Lots of (hair) Love,

Lesley D. Flanagan

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